TITLE :Architecture and Zoning Basics for Artists and Activists
DATE: April, 24, 2024
TIME: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
LOCATION: Digital (Zoom)
LED BY PHILIP POON (@dimes_square_tourist)
Artists and activists often engage with architecture and architectural issues in NYC, whether it be around issues of gentrification, displacement, or even aesthetics. These efforts can be further strengthened with an introductory overview of architectural and zoning basics as it applies to NYC. What are property owners allowed to build, and what are they prohibited from building? How tall, wide, or large can a building be? What functions can the building be used for? Do community members and activists have a say in what gets built in NYC, and if so, how can they most effectively exercise their voice?
This workshop will cover some of the basics of architectural zoning, aesthetics, and the role of local politics in shaping the built environment in NYC. Attendees will leave with a working understanding of zoning and how to use the city’s online database to get a preliminary understanding of what is allowed and prohibited for individual lots in the city. Lastly, attendees will emerge with an understanding of their agency in the architectural and construction process, and how to best protest or support architectural projects in the city.
☆ No prior experience necessary ☆
Philip Poon is an architect, artist, and writer whose work engages the complex dynamics of a changing Manhattan Chinatown and the relationship of Asian-American identity within it.
Informed by his background as a Chinese-American from New York City, his work as a registered architect, and his engagement with art and activist movements in Chinatown, his projects materialize and exhibit issues at the intersection of space, race, and class.
Our programs are supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
Founded in 2014, POWRPLNT works with emerging creators and activists to make space, create, and share knowledge with creative minds of all ages. We believe that access to technology is a right, not a privilege, and the digital divide is a social justice issue. Visit our website to learn more. https://www.powrplnt.org/mission-and-press
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